I threw a bunch of stuff in to a bag and loaded up the
gas guzzler and head up to the cities on friday after work.
self into and this would not be the first time this weekend that I thought this.
Easy drive two hours and change landed me at the Cross of 31st and 28st just off
the Greenbelt in the Uptown district of Minneapolis.
Great to see the shop full of people and even better to see them buying stuff.
This was the first of two party's these were the Silver Cycling crew the club that is sponsored by
Hwood. New bikes and new Trophy's on display.
As the night fell this crew thinned out and the cast and crew for the second show,

started to file in. With the likes of
Geneo and
Hurl and
the rest of the mlsp mafia in tact the reprise was under way.
About 10ish or so DNF took stage an blew the roof off as most people listed from the parking lot ...it was loud enough to hear them across the street. Rock and Roll was had and good times were all around,.,,A great way to kick off the second generation of Hollywood Cycles.
Morning came early for this boy who is in bed most nights by 930. Jay made breakfast and we were
back at the shop to get ready for the Tour of Timmer.
Again here we go not knowing what I am getting my self into. I was told by Jay to lay low and not

to play my role as Surge. Along for the ride were local legends Tim from
Hed,, Kaveh who used to call Lacrosse home,, a hand full of new faces and the icon
Steve Tilford himself.
Forecast was for 70 degree temps and sunshine.. Nope... Cold Cold
start and glad that I threw the right layers into my bag. Went west from down town for around 40 some miles going places that in my younger days I may have called home,,, My brain was flooded with tons of memories. At the half way point got
my self a big ass brownie and some beef sticks... I was now ready for the march home.
Spent most of my time up front trading pulls and stories with Tilford,, wealth of cycling in that man..
Got off the bike jumped in the car and drove home in a whirl wind.
Back after it this morning after some racing on tv and some rocket fuel ,..
Took the kid out for a mild spin and let her ride moma's bike
think she was down with the ride...but not her's will need to get her own.
April is here hope March was good for all of you.... Me I am tired and getting ready for
the next phase... Get out get on and go Ride!!!