Not to make my self sound old but these kids are in a strange strange world.
Raising a Teen is almost as hard as being on.
Mine she is great kid wanting to fit in and all that crap. I get mad because I
at times see her not using all her potential due to the outside influences of the times and place she lives.
I have been bringing this kid up surrounded and immersed in as much of the
cycling world as I can. She has hung out with National and World Champions, industry wigs,,big and small.. Seen some pretty amazingracing and gotten to
ride her bike in some of the most iconic places in the USA.
and I like to think that their could be more of those to come. The issue is she is a teenage girl in Onlaska Wisco where she is the only Teen who ridesa bike that is not from a box store,, no one for her to ride with other than me and a few other
locals that we bump into up on the trails. This is far from what she had living in Summit County where
every one was on some form of bike. Hard for her to motivate and that bums me out. Racing season is
coming and she has put in some good work over the winter in the gym and even skied a bit, a just as of the other day started having some knee pain while running with the track team.
Now she has run and can run but she is not a runner. I told her that it was ok with me
stop the team but it was time to devote all free time to the bike. Yes Pip the trails will be
open soon and you can ride your Mountain Bike seeing as you don't like your Road bike.
But now is the time to get moving,, It is hard to push I don't want to go over board.

She understands it is just hard none of her friends understand and all the boys are a bunch of tools,,so she is stuck hanging out with 30somethings and her dad..
The fire will get stoke soon,,as the dad and defacto coach I just want to see more out of her.
She was 2nd in the State of Minnesota for the Elite women and helped
Hwood score a State Championship,, so I know the drive is there...time to make the engine roar.
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