It has been a bit of a tough week,, I think that I burned or suffered through the effects of burnout at the beginning of the week. After overCooking my self last weekend and being just flat on tuesday it was a real up and down week.=
Todd @ the Almanzo 100 |

In the middle of the week we get the news that
Hollywood Racer, Series
Photographer, and all around Good Guy
Todd Bauer had a Hart Attack. He had gotten done riding with his boys last sunday in some good nasty heat and just never felt right. After going through some if not all the symptoms he made it to the ER to have a stint put in. He is recovering and on the single track back to good health. Just Freaking scary to see a young healthy strong man go down this way. His boys Josh and Jake will be at the race tomorrow and flying for dad.

Tomorrow,, totally forgot about this.. Buck Hill is a small ski hill located in the southern burbs of the twin cities. This is the home to ski racing greats in the winter and legendary XC racing in the summer. I did not know about it growing up but they were racing there as early as the 1990's if not before. It is 2.87 miles around and just under 350 feet of climbing every
lap,,, I know this on paper does not sound like much,, but we do it 6 times at redline pace. Winning time will be around one hour, and for all the locals they race this every thursday in the summer. It is short and it hurts and it is a lot of driving for such a short race.....But it is part of the series and classic, and will be a great bit of practice for the Subaru Cup.
The work is done and the bike is clean.. Time for some good dinner a bit of rest and the hope for fast legs. On this afternoons ride with Pip I realized that we have 4 races in the next 5 weeks. Lot more work will need to be done and being smart about rest will be important.
Now please get out and ride your bike and commit random acts of senseless KINDNESS to others!!
Thanks Devin, Rip it up tomorrow. Todd