Preparation, execution, reflection..... Three things that coach has been working on with me to make sure my head is in the right place when it comes go time. This season starting back in November I started working with an old friend who raced the national circuit a few years back. I knew that his knowledge and experience would be able to help me get ready for the the things to come, and to get closer to the goals that I have created for my self. The biggest thing that he help me with was my off season program. More than anything strength training and the mental conditioning that is needed to race a bike at a high level for months on end. I approached this season not so much focused on volume as on quality and working harder on recovery and rest. Both recovery and rest can be hard for me as I do suffer from cycling-spasim.. If it is day time and I have the time I am on my bike and riding. Some days recovery and rest are planed others it is forced by weather or by forces that I can not control. The place that I am happiest aside from here with my family is riding my bike, even if it is over the same sections of pavement or wooded single track.
With all the work that has been put in... so far so good. Most of my events have ended right about where I wanted them. Yes their could always be better results but trying not to be so result driven. Talking with Steve Mathews yesterday the president of Paceline Products the good people that make
Chamois Butt'r we spoke of this same principal. Yes sponsors would love to see you on the top step of the podium with their product and or logo in tow, but as a representative of the brand their is so much more that you can offer. They want their product seen and want it represented by good honest people that are not only using it but giving back to the sport,, again what it is really about is getting more and more people on bikes. We can all agree that this would be a better world if more and more people rode bikes,,,any bike,, no matter what.
2004 Mountain Bike Little League |
Wheels are moving and positive vibes are sent,, and people are responding to the messages given. My family is spinning and grinning and their excitement for the sport has never been greater,,and it is overflowing to the surrounding community. The concept of Preparation, Execution, and Reflection, work not only to get a racer ready for what they are going to do to them self but also help with getting the world moving in the right direction,,,,on Two wheels.
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