A full weekend was had by the Currchiando family,,, yep that is Curran and Marchiando all in one ,,,it kind of works. It was a simple plan,,, head to the cities and hang out with the Henderson's and let James get to play at the Mall Of America.. Then sleep... Then race bikes..
It all worked pretty darn well,, dropped the boy and anna off and the Pip and I headed to Leb to meet the Woods.. Got to the trail head and bumped in to Brent Mr Twin Six himself.. Sophia got to meet one of the two brains and thank him for the Team Kit and getting to be Metal this season. Headed out with Jay and Kwood and rode some of the new easy loop with the pump track and other objects. Fun fun stuff the Pip was grinning from ear to ear and asking to live in the Cities which I quickly said no to..
Got the family all back together and checked in to the Hotel, swam and chilled out hard core.. Plan from here was to meet up with Jay and go find Kwood at work and eat some food.
Went to Burger Jones Ate some unreal cheese curds and green chili cheese burger,, belly's were full and happy birthday was had..

Followed Jay to the shop so the family could see the new place.. Anna and James got to see the State champion trophy and check out all the years of photos and jerseys.. Jay showed off the new spot and gave a tour of what is to become the hottest new shop in the 612 area code. Hwood even had some new secret weapons that the kid and I are trying to figure out how to get on.. Just another piece to the puzzle.
Sunday morning comes and it came with some rain and fog and mist, not the weather we were looking for seeing as we were going to go bike racing.

After getting warmed up and called up I stood on the line with the who's who of Fast Minnesota Mountain Bike racing. At go we were off the line heading across the grass heading up the small hill and out to the fire road before the first big climb. This section was wet soggy wet,, and things slowly got dry as we hit the climb.. First section with the Plastic Egg Cartons was slick and the group was moving it was tricky to keep the wheel on the ground here,, Kept charging before the respite under the chair lifts, before heading up Shady Lane. Again right where I wanted to be riding strong and feeling good. First lap was pretty uneventful some jockeying around for position and i was content to sit and find my rhythm. Second lap started and again was felling pretty good slipped one spot but kept the rider in site. With Dace O chasing and me charging I entered a corner on the low side and as I came through I high side and got a little loose,,,,,, Next thing I know I am off the bike and hugging a small tree. As much as that hurt it saved me from what could have happened which would have been ass over tea kettle down the hill.. Dave flys by and I collect my self.. Not thing body or bike broken as far as I could tell shifting was messed up.. I looked down to see my hanger was twisted and now I am not shifting missing gears and pretty damn sore. I put my head down and just kept on charging... From here on out it was all about finishing and riding as strong as I could. Some where in lap three I was joined by two riders from Mankato who were riding strong and I hung on the best I could.. At the start of lap four the passed me flying and i was content to solider on. In the space of the lap I managed to get around one of the riders and caught to the other and worked with him until the last mile or so. Made as pass as his legs shut down and I was stuck in my 15 tooth,,standing and grinding.. Once I realized I was not going to get passed i shut it down and coasted in to the finish.
Crossed the line in 8th place loosing 3 or so spots with the crash,, but once I cleaned my self up I was pretty happy with the way it all worked out. Body rode well and the bike before and for what it is worth after the crash both did really well. I am happy with all the work that I have put in now just need to put it all together. All my kinds sponsors and family put a lot of time and energy in to me
and I am very thankful to have the support that I do,,, I could not do it with out them Thanks,,,

And to top off the day the Pip crossed the line in third scoring a spot on the podium and some cash in had,, good job kid more hard work and you will be on top..