Party On To ALL and To ALL a GooD RIDE
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Sunny is not
Another trip around the sun has been completed.
Now the days will get longer and the light will creep back into the
dark corners of my blackened heart.
Age is a mindset more than it is a number.
There are milestones,, sixteen you get to drive,, seventeen you can
go see a R movie,, eighteen if you are a male you get to register for the draft,
and then twenty one you can buy liquor legally.
After that it is pretty much all down hill, somewhere in your twenty's you
can rent a car,, AARP comes when you hit 50's and sixty four brings medicare.
I am not transfixed on age,, I have been an old man for as long as I can remember,,
chasing and raising fart-face-kids since I was twenty-one.
I have line up for races and had my doors blown off by those twice my age and even half
my age.
My Grandfather is Ninety Six.....And he is still moving and shaking. Not sure if it is longevity or if it was good living.
A box came in the mail the other day with a photo album of my first thirty nine years on this rock hurling through space. Lots of different styles and looks have come and gone,, but one thing
still stays the same.
Full throttle Straight Ahead Raging Full On!
A new year, a new dawn a New Day Rising thank you mister sun for coming back and warming
me Up!
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Hey where is the snow??
We need snow,,
There is some just not lots, enough to cover the grass and
I do have to say that this is the first winter that I can remember that it has not rained
the week leading up to Christmas,, but all that said we need some snow..
Six to eight inches would be perfect just enough to get rolled out and
allow some good xc skiing on.
We are close just not there yet.
I went up to St Mary's over the weekend not knowing what to expect.
They have worked hard over the past few years putting in some snow making and even some lights on one of their loops. What
I found when I got there was a loop just over a 1/2 mile long that was groomed to
perfection. Wanting to make the most of the drive I went around in circles over and over again until

In all an hour of skiing and just over 8miles of sliding. It was good for the first slide of the year.
Sunday saw more of the same as I got all jacked up on coffee and could not figure out what to do with my self.
Back at it going around and around and again just over 8 miles in an hour,, I was happy with how my body responded to the work..
Now I just want more,,,, if it is going to be winter I want to play in it.
Going to drive further north this weekend to see if I can find some more snow to play in....
After the ski that I just attempted I need to find something or I am going to destroy my good sticks..
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Shackle Me Not
I am stuck somewhere in the middle of here and there.
Season of racing is done, and I am trying to approach this december as a true off season.
Doing just enough to keep what fitness that I may have left over from cross racing.
This fall racing the Purple Reign was a blast,, having to battle through
injury not so much but with the racing only being an hour I could block out the pain.
Still waiting on some snow to ski on here in the local area.. May end up having to travel to find it if it does not fall from the sky anytime soon.
With the low back pain I really need to get down on the floor more often and get flexible or at least loose,,, man getting old Sucks.
Pushing the old Steel rig through the back streets of Lacrosse with studs and fenders seems to
be working me not sure if it is the 53x24 or again just the fact that I am becoming an old man.
Only ten days left and the bringer of the Light will be back and the bright star in the sky will start to make its long journey back to the Norther Sky... Then all around the Drifless Region the shackles of winter will start to
recede and the taste of Salt will no longer fall upon the lips of two wheel enthusiast as they are passed by speeding Autos.
Bring on the Light,,, Rock for Light
Light It Up.
Bring it!
Speaking of Bringing it...
The Super Fast Speed kid running with the Orange Jake the Snake is
Bring on the Light,,, Rock for Light
Light It Up.
Bring it!
Speaking of Bringing it...
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Josh Bauer.. or as we call he The Bavers.
I have watch this kid grow over the past few years of racing with him
Last season was his first year racing cross and excelled to win the Cat 3 state championship.
This year as a 2 he was consistently finishing top 10 in the Pro-1-2 races.
The past month of racing has been solid for the Baves and he is on
his way to Boulder to swing his leg over his Rig for
the National race there.
He is hoping for some help to get him self there and has a
Web site taking donations to help get him to his Dream.
I have a lot of faith in this here boy.... The Speed runs deep in this one and only
great things are to come of the Fast Ginger.
Now back to my Training Plan of doing not much of anything..
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Frosty Toes,,, Cold Nose
Cold is a state of mind kind of like pain.. Sometimes it is all a mental game of how much you can stand,,or how much your body can handle.
Today was the Minnesota CX State Championship, and I did not make it there due to the weather that the Twin Cities had blowing through.
They took a shot of snow this week that we did not see only two hours away and then the cold blast of air came in from the great white north causing the windchill to drop below -25..
Instead I got the Spot 1x1 back together and headed out for some single track riding.
Left the hose dressed like I was going to go XC skiing as the temp was only 2 above with a negative windchill.... With the lobsters on my hands I was gone. Rode some trails not to far from the house and before I knew it I was dripping with moisture.
The sun was out and the trails were dry,, and the leaves were crisp and made for some interesting
It was tons of fun to be out on the oneBYone with low psi and what felt like bonus trail miles my face was all smiles..
The whole time I was riding again thinking that this may be the last one of the year,, it has to snow here sooner or later,, and no I don't have a Phat bike,,, I will ski if it ever snow,,, IF..It was one of those days where I felt like I could ride for ever.. but sooner or later my toes were going to get cold,,, wearing my Chainsaw socks that i won at the Fatbikeworldchampionship were doing the job with the thick layer embro until the nip in the air got to be too much.
Packing it in and hanging the bike up for what I could only think is the last one
I was happy that fun was once again found on the back of two wheels..
Huge Props go out to my THC Teammate,, Little Josh Bavers,, Riding today in that
Minnesota CX race fresh off a third place last week at Hollywoods Cross for Tots fought
through the snow and cold to Pull off a 6th place overall in the 1/2 race .
This kid this Shaun White Doppelganger went from the Cat 3 state champ
last year to a 2 this,, and even catted up for the Iowa Jingle Cross race just for the experience.
This Ginger has the skills and as he grows up his potential is starting to shine,,
I have faith that he is going to be one to watch..
Part On Bav's you are a Stud in Skinny Jeans..
The Question is what comes next?
Sunday, December 1, 2013
I can hang my hat now on the 2013 season..
Yesterday was the last of my races for the year.
And what an event it was.
By far the best laid out course with a healthy dose of climbing some
wicked swoopy turns back into the bowl,,, off camber turns
more sand than any beach I have been to,, and barriers that were just right for going fast..
Now before the first race even started the box to collect the toys was overflowing,,
and the turn out on both sides spectators and racers was amazing being the
weekend of thanksgiving..
Warming up on the short course I was feeling ok,, but started to get a touch worried about my Gear inch as the start loomed closer..
So breaking one of the rules of Fight Club I busted back over to the Rav and Swapped out my King 18 for a 19 and gave another practice lap.
I made a difference but now on some of the descents found my self spun out,, realizing that it is hard to take three weeks off of racing and only commuting via bike to try to stay up front.
Regardless I had a blast,, railing corners sand blasting,,, and bunny-hopping the double barriers every lap..
Eric Thomson put on another show of how strong that he is riding this season,, Followed by Patty-cakes and the Bavers in third...
Jay "Hollywood" and his Wife Put on a Kickass Event
and have put together one of the Best Teams in the 612 with
From April to December and all stops in between this Team has
shown up Kicked ass and Done it in True THC* style..
Thanks To all of you that raced supported and flew the Colors!!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Holiday Hero
It is the time of year where the fight between daylight and night wage a constant battle.
Luck for the Bringer of the LIGHT we are only 30days away from it's return.
As of now I am trying to keep what little fitness I have left so I can line up next week for
Today was going to be a good day to get out and do some laps but as of now the temp is in the teens and the wind is whipping making for some nasty early winter windchill.
What ever happens next weekend will be good it,
The whole THC team will be out going around in circles,
and we will Party,, as always.
Pip will be home and we are going to
take James up to the Third Layer so he
can Trash indoors for a bit.
The Post Thanksgiving food babies will be
fresh in everyone's guts making all
look more than normal goofy in their skinsuits.
We saw our first smattering of
snow thursday night, into friday
morning which made travel in cars interesting,,
for me the 1/2" of snow and 1/4" of ice
gave me flash backs of riding the mud
at Green Archers,,
No sudden movements keep the bike straight and keep pedaling,,
I made it unscathed and as the AC/DMC
cx bike has been it riding it kicked ass..
Still not sure how I am going to transport my self over the heart of winter if it does become snowy,, do not want to trash the new rig with all the different treatments they put on the road..
I do know that i need to get it in the Feedback stand and clean it up from the past few days of riding... I think that I am ready for spring..
Who wants to go to Fruita?
Monday, November 18, 2013
Sand in the Vaseline
So This Kid here is racing in for lack of better terms her first season of Cyclocross.
She did line up for two last year coming back from illness and rocking a borrowed SSCX machine,,
But this season is the first real deal.
Two weeks in and taking her lumps and learning that even though it has two wheels,
It is Pure Sweet Hell!
The pain and agony that comes with going around in circles for 40+Minuets...
Making you eyes go cross and tasting blood in the back of your throat.
Two races in one at her school and one Saturday in the windy city.
But with these two races she has got her self qualified
for Nationals in Boulder this coming January.
I am cheering this kid on, and she tackles this new
discipline of cycling and works on finding that pain cave
and while there setting up residence for the sole purpose of going faster.
As I told her on this Steel Horse she rides and it can take
her anywhere.
Make it Hurt Go FAST Then do it all Over Again..
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Short days and long nights on top of extended work hour,, been finding it hard
to motivate to get out and ride. One of the nice things when racing
cross on the weekend,, kind of forces you out to move.
No racing this weekend, even though I would like to be
down in Iowa race the Jingle Cross,,, someday.
No now I am all dressed
and ready
Go and play,, skies are grey and a foggy mist hags over the valley, making me not want
Would like to be able to watch the kids race in Chicago will have to rely on
twitter updates, and what ever comes across the interwebs.
Spoke to Pip not to long ago and she said that it looks
wide open golf course style and the big
swingers are there so it should be an interesting day for sure.
More Coffee and interweb surfing will help me decide what to do, I may just have to take the purple reign out and rip up some the tiny sections of single track that don't require much effort....but even that takes motivation,, which I am lacking.
Luckily I got to beat the sunset and climbed a big old hill..
Go PiP GO!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Eye's Crossed
We were Blessed this weekend by the one and only Pip on loan from Ripon College.

Along the way we got to have some quality time with the Bauer Clan all but Jake from State Farm,
then off to Bandit Cross.
Jeff over at All/City puts on a good show and I have been wanting to be able to do one of his races,, just never fell on a good day for me... With the freaks all mounted up we took Pip down to the Dog Park and christened her in some underground Cyclo Cross Racing
A very fun course and with a lot of stairs,, Both me and the kid did not have a clue on what or how all things were going to happen.. We did a lap for practice as group and found that rout finding could prove to be a challenge. Pip ask if it was ok before the start to just roll a few laps and get used to the bike then hang out with the on lookers and party people.
For me it was a flash of light and stair climbing I think we agreed to 5 laps and for the most part I was
there with Hollywood at the start but kept over shooting turns or finding ways to lay the bike down.
Two laps to go I hear something go pop in my back and I had to soft pedal into the finish,,
Josh B got the win Hwood in 3 me 5th.. Fun yep ,,,do it again ,..,.For Sure.,.,
Up next was the party
the Team Scored First Place Pro/Elite Division
Pip was 1st overall Pro/Elite
Me Turd Overall with Josh Bavers in 4th
Jay 3rd 40+
And Many Many more,,, It was a Killer Night and a Kick Ass Team..
Soon their after I went to be as I had to be up early to get to
Ripon for the Cookie Cross Race.
I had not intention of racing seeing as I could not stand up straight but
with enough Advil and some heat on my back I was felling pretty spry when I saw the
course stretched across the campus.
Up first was Pip and I could tell at the get go that she was fighting the bike..
She is set up 1x9 a 39x11-25 which for this course with the amount of up hill may have been too much... But she rallied and worked it,, still only her 3 cross race ever.
I was next up lining up next to the College A's with the 1,2's.
I warmed up and felt ok,, and knew that it would all happen fast as we headed straight to the double stairs.
Made it through and was able to hold on to the charging young collegiate racers.
Coming trough the second set of double barriers and decided to get it a go never trying before and bunny hopped them... At this point my fun factor went off the charts as I now did not have to dismount in such a fast section.. Rallying the course getting cheered up pip's team and parents I was having fun,, and we kept it together till 4 to go,,
At this point I start to ease up a bit and with two to go on the stairs as I shook hands with the onlookers,,, the leaders came around.. Knowing that the day was done I punched it and got on their wheels.
but more amazing than that my back did not give out.
For me I am going to be keeping it local this weekend and the kid is off to Chicago then to
Purdue for some racing as she works her way to Boulder and Nationals.
She has some work to do but is totally stoked on the new bike so I believe she can do it..
Now if my old man back did not hurt so damn much..
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Cider House
Yesterday was the first Cyclocross event here in the Lacrosse area.
A tough weekend to get a big turn out with all the other races going on in the Upper Midwest, but you have to start some where.
Fields were small but excitement was high and owners of the Apple Orchard were happy
to have the extra lot of people through their shop.
The course consisted of a couple access roads through the lower orchard with some nasty sand sections. Then it wrapped past the bee hives and up a good sized hill similar to the one at Green Archers CX just a touch longer and less rode in. From there it twisted through the upper section of the Apple trees then back down a loose double track to another sand pit and then into some ill put barriers and then all over again.
I got there early enough to scope out the course and test my gear.
I got to watch one off camber corner that was pinching and rolling tires off,, then watched someone
pitch their front wheel in the same hole and high side it to his collarbone. Not sure if he broke it but i needed to help him down the hill.
5 of us at the line and we headed up the road into the wind up the false flat.
I went to the front to get through the sand and get to the climb first,, when local
legend and native Hill Pig ,, Chris Ames on his shifting bike came around,,, he was able to
stretch out a gap on me that I could not shut down,, he was getting a big pull
on the double track and then back up the false flat section.
Gaps started to form and at this point I just wanted to point the rig and make this cx racing look good for the hand full of folks watching.
The Nature Boy rode like a dream, solid on the tight twisty sections and mashed the climbing, I do wish for some tubeless tires soon but if wishes we assholes???
Up next we are going to get the Pip home and then Her and I will head up to the 612 for the end-of -season party.. and Maybe Bandit Cross or just a team group ride.
Then back off to Ripon for their Cross race the Cookie Cross.
I was going to go to the cities and race today,, but gas and entry plus nasty winds did not sound good.
I'll get out on the Mountain Bike and enjoy a nice slow sunday..
Get up get out and RIDE YOUR BIKE!!
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