We need snow,,
There is some just not lots, enough to cover the grass and
I do have to say that this is the first winter that I can remember that it has not rained
the week leading up to Christmas,, but all that said we need some snow..
Six to eight inches would be perfect just enough to get rolled out and
allow some good xc skiing on.
We are close just not there yet.
I went up to St Mary's over the weekend not knowing what to expect.
They have worked hard over the past few years putting in some snow making and even some lights on one of their loops. What
I found when I got there was a loop just over a 1/2 mile long that was groomed to
perfection. Wanting to make the most of the drive I went around in circles over and over again until

In all an hour of skiing and just over 8miles of sliding. It was good for the first slide of the year.
Sunday saw more of the same as I got all jacked up on coffee and could not figure out what to do with my self.
Back at it going around and around and again just over 8 miles in an hour,, I was happy with how my body responded to the work..
Now I just want more,,,, if it is going to be winter I want to play in it.
Going to drive further north this weekend to see if I can find some more snow to play in....
After the ski that I just attempted I need to find something or I am going to destroy my good sticks..
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