I got in last night at 10:05 and woke up at 5:15 to get ready for work.
And it was all worth it.
Their is no hiding the fact that my forth century is soon upon me, and my loving wife
wanted to do something special for me. It has been a touch
Yes he has family around him and his friends almost all women who have lost their husbands,, but still alone,, with out Grandma.
So as a Birthday gift a few months early she sent me out to Colorado to go and see him and watch some football.
I got in late Thursday night and was picked up by an old friend.. Dinner and catching up, with a few beers, and after a long day I was wrecked...
I Had a bike all lined up through a buddy who had recently left the county for the greener pastures of the front range.


rode the burned out area of Buffalo Creek.. It was gooder than I expected, and after a few hours of single track surfing I was in heaven.
The weekend was followed up by more old friends and beer and pigskin and family.
It was a whirlwind of a trip and one that I will remember for years to come,, that is if I can remember anything now in my old age.
Their is a lot that I miss about Colorado but a lot that I can do with out.

and spend some real quality time.
Now I have to get back to normal life .,.,.,.,the life or appliance repair and bike racing.
The new All City rig is going to be a beast when I line it up..,., and this weekend it all gets started.
Thanks to all that came out and played this weekend.. it wont be the last time
that I can't remember much of what happened..
That is When we Party On
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