Well the rain moved in and it unloaded a tidal wave of h20. Anywhere from 2-6 inches fell from the heavens as we all tried to sleep.
Anna and I were leaving the Popcorn Tavern and walked into a wall of water,,
after watching some kickass bluegrass music..
I was pretty sure that as the rain came down that the
And sure nuff with mudslides and road closings the plug was pulled and all the sudden I had the day off of racing.
All I had lined up was coffee drinking and nap taking.
Motivation was shot,,, blown up,,, just not there..
I did manage to convince my self to get out for a nice spin, but still deep down inside the desire to pin on a number plate and stand on a start line.
That should all change soon,,
Cross bike will be built and all ready to ride when I get back from Colorado,,next week.
The Green Acres Race should be start of what I am going to call Cross Season.

Until then I will cheer,, watch and enjoy seeing everyone else rip it up on two wheels...
One of Which is the Pip,,
She is down in Kentucky and
scored 2nd in short track with her team sweeping the woman's A's podium,,
and then won the DS race.
Tomorrow if it is not canceled to due to
weather she'll be racing Cross Country in the morning and then Downhill in the afternoon.
Keep kicking ass Pip!
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