I pushed my old man body up the hill for the first time in about a week.
With the heat wave that we have been under and the locked up back that I have had I decided to have a mini rest week. Been working on recovery beers and stretching, trying to loosen up my lower back that for some damn reason locked up on sunday as i was transferring food from the cooler to the fridge.
Felt good to be moving up hill even with the large amounts of moisture that was dripping off of me.
It was 75 degrees out this morning with a 72 degree dew point so soupy up until I got the top of the bluff where I could ride the wind a bit.
The best weekend of the summer is coming up and I needed to make sure that my body is ready.
Saturday morning will be a TT then short track in the evening.
And Sunday brings the Cross Country portion of the race.
This year since their is no Pip we are going to stay in one of the cabins and
not have to deal with pulling the camper 6 hours.
I can't wait just need to get through a day of work tomorrow,, and I think the only way to start it off
the right way is to do some dawn patrol on the MTB.
Going to be weird not having the Pip but she has bigger fish to fry as this weekend is the first weekend of college racing. He school is hosting the race which is held at the same venue as the PRO XCT, and if all things go the way they should the team and Sophia should have a good weekend of racing.
I have to say things are much different these days not like when i was in college 20 years ago.
We have been talking up to two times a day,, about random stuff and then racing and training.

When I was here age I got dropped off maybe fed and then I could hear the tires screech as
my parental units sped away.
I have found her a used CX bike just need to come up with the funds... She is excited to get the chance to qualify for Nationals and then travel to The People's Republic of Boulder ,,,where THEYTAKECROSSSSERISOUSLY!!

them and some moving parts are coming from them,, Now just need to get a frame to put this stuff into.
But it is still Mountain Bike Racing season so.. another week or so and that will thought about.
Now time for some Bike work some beer and Dinner..
It is hard to have bikes on the Brain all the Time..!!