The single track in Lester Park is some of the best that I have been on all summer. A great mix of climbing, tight single track,, and flowing descents.
My race did not start as I would have liked.... We had 50 feet from the line to the bottom of the hill. At which point I was crashed in to from the left and pushed across the field. I was able to stay up right but had to get off and get all cyclocrossy to get moving again.. Hwood helped me bridge across and now I needed to settle down before the single track..
That part did not go so well... Hit the single tack in panic chase mode and was all over the place.. With Eric O and SKJ on my wheel I had a guy stop on a short hill in front of me forcing me off my bike and clogging up single track.. Back on and chasing I was bouncing off every thing,,, Heath is still mad at me for being so sloppy..
I was able to mellow out by the time I hit the park for the first time.... something about a screaming ski hill double track descent got me to chill.. Lap two went better and by three I was being pulled up hill by the Big Russian... Nicoli pulled through to the start of the park on the forth lap,,, He I as able to ride with Eric O and we set a good pace. I was able to get around Eric before the ski trail down hill to the finish line. 8th overall out of the dough by one but got points that I needed...
The Pip had a great race and pulled out a third overall,, she is killing it on some of these races... She has been riding a good bit and says that she can feel the difference.

Photos from Skinyski
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