Got out on my black hearted steel rig to shake out the cob webs from last weekends racing,, it was exactly what i needed with all that seems to keep going on in my world.
For Ninety two years my Grandma Curran has been a spark plug.
She is the reason that i fell in love with the mountain and all that is the rocky mountain west.
Summer after summer I would go out with the family or by my self and get to spend time with her and grandpa in the front range and playing in the mountains.
Grandma has been like the energizer bunny or like the old Timex watch commercials "takes a licking and keeps on Ticking"..
The past few day have been real real tough for her, body is shutting down and I think the end is near.. was moved to Hospice this afternoon. Grandpa may be alone soon and i am more worried about him than anything else. Grandma ride strong into the next chapter of your life you were/are loved by many and will never be forgotten..
Ok now turn the page something new was started today in the land of the 612.
Minnesota is the next state to launch a High School Racing League.
Even though we live in Wisco Sophia is able to race as an independent and was excited to get on the line. Three girls total lined up for the Varsity Race,,4 laps of the Salem Hills single track.

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