The last two days of the Bike Show are a bit of a blur,,,
not from some kind of drunken haze but more or less from my ear drums being blown apart by Ozorn.

I finally found my self walking the streets of sin city looking for the
Double Down Saloon for what would be a loud rocking Party.
The best part of the night was beer was only 4 dollars a bottle the only trick was getting
the bartenders to get to you to take your money,, but 4 bucks that is a deal in the shit hole that is Vegas.
Waiting for the band to come on ran in to some Northerner who had been at Maplelag for the Laddies Loppet race. The the first cord was struck and i knew that I was in for something.
Wobble my way back to the Hard Cock after watching Geano do his best bouncer act,, the Hotel was still jumping du to the hall and oats concert,, bed was all I wanted.
Friday came and went and the show was over with very little fan fare. I did make it over to the cliff bar booth, to give Georgia one last hug and thank her for all the support and kind words that she sends the Pip....
As I wandered I saw some more stuff and tons of hipsters, and some others that I have cheered on for years..
The lion king was walking around and that was damn cool.
All said and done I was glad that the show was over and I was going home to the warm arms of those that I missed and my Family.. Until next time you slim hole of a town...