Shaking out the legs one last time before the Rocket and I head up to
Maplelag for one of the best weekends of racing of the summer.

Not having a normal crew to ride with and not wanting to do the
world champ road rides that send people to the ER,, I tend to use the
EVIL,, social media app,, STRAVA.
Strava gets a lot of bad press,, and at times it does cause people to ride like AssHats.
But I have to say that it has changed the cycling world and allows the user to
track not only their miles but their progress.
There are segments all over the place road,, dirt,, gravel...
I have even used it to mow the grass,, just for shits and giggles.
Times are set,,, miles are ridden and rides are mapped out.
So why all the bad press., why so many people hating on it.?
Long story short tonight I went out for a Hard Effort,,
one that I could look back and say that I may be ready for three stages of racing this coming weekend.
I picked a hill that I have been riding and have set a fast time and wanted to see if I could beat
that time. Upon getting to the bottom of the hill
I came up on another cyclist who gave me the "Look" and took the trail..
So knowing that I wanted to make it hurt, I turned around and gave
the rider some space.
I restarted and was giving it full gas..
I restarted and was giving it full gas..
Just about half way,, I passed said rider and as I asked to come around and pedaled
away the rider yelled out in a sarcastic manner,,, " hey devin it is your segment"..
Why the h8te?
This is my group ride like De La Soul "me myself and I"
This is my group ride like De La Soul "me myself and I"
Regardless i kept my head down and achieved my painful workout..
Too much hate too may divisions within the sport,,
To sound like a guy who went on TV and asked "why can't we all just get along"?
All I want to do is ride my bike and Party On!!
I that I will do..
Have some Tittes and Beer