We were Blessed this weekend by the one and only Pip on loan from
Ripon College.

She came home so we could get her cx bike dialed and so we could head up to the 612 for the end of the season awards at QbP.
Along the way we got to have some quality time with the Bauer Clan all but Jake from State Farm,
had a quick stop at
THC headquarters so we could knock in a
King Headset for the kid
then off to Bandit Cross.
Jeff over at All/City puts on a good show and I have been wanting to be able to do one of his races,, just never fell on a good day for me... With the freaks all mounted up we took Pip down to the
Dog Park and christened her in some underground Cyclo Cross Racing
A very fun course and with a lot of stairs,, Both me and the kid did not have a clue on what or how all things were going to happen.. We did a lap for practice as group and found that rout finding could prove to be a challenge. Pip ask if it was ok before the start to just roll a few laps and get used to the bike then hang out with the on lookers and party people.
For me it was a flash of light and stair climbing I think we agreed to 5 laps and for the most part I was
there with Hollywood at the start but kept over shooting turns or finding ways to lay the bike down.
Two laps to go I hear something go pop in my back and I had to soft pedal into the finish,,
Josh B got the win Hwood in 3 me 5th.. Fun yep ,,,do it again ,..,.For Sure.,.,
Up next was the party
the Team Scored First Place Pro/Elite Division
Pip was 1st overall Pro/Elite
Me Turd Overall with Josh Bavers in 4th
Jay 3rd 40+
And Many Many more,,, It was a Killer Night and a Kick Ass Team..
Soon their after I went to be as I had to be up early to get to
Ripon for the Cookie Cross Race.
I had not intention of racing seeing as I could not stand up straight but
with enough Advil and some heat on my back I was felling pretty spry when I saw the
course stretched across the campus.
Up first was Pip and I could tell at the get go that she was fighting the bike..
She is set up 1x9 a 39x11-25 which for this course with the amount of up hill may have been too much... But she rallied and worked it,, still only her 3 cross race ever.
I was next up lining up next to the College A's with the 1,2's.
I warmed up and felt ok,, and knew that it would all happen fast as we headed straight to the double stairs.
Made it through and was able to hold on to the charging young collegiate racers.
Coming trough the second set of double barriers and decided to get it a go never trying before and bunny hopped them... At this point my fun factor went off the charts as I now did not have to dismount in such a fast section.. Rallying the course getting cheered up pip's team and parents I was having fun,, and we kept it together till 4 to go,,
At this point I start to ease up a bit and with two to go on the stairs as I shook hands with the onlookers,,, the leaders came around.. Knowing that the day was done I punched it and got on their wheels.

I finished one lap down but still managed to find the 5 spot and 1 for the 1/2's,,
but more amazing than that my back did not give out.
For me I am going to be keeping it local this weekend and the kid is off to Chicago then to
Purdue for some racing as she works her way to Boulder and Nationals.
She has some work to do but is totally stoked on the new bike so I believe she can do it..
Now if my old man back did not hurt so damn much..