It is hard to believe that two weeks ago I was waking up to the Red Rocks of Sedona.
Again by far one of the most beautiful places that I have ev
er been to,,
and not that in the middle of the day it is not fun to look at but the sunrise and sunsets in this town are by far the best parts of the day.
The deep canyons of burnt colored rocks light up and give off a display that has to be seen by the naked eye.
This was going to be our last day in the High country before heading back down to the Valley.
Anna and James were going to hike while I was going to go for what i thought would be a quick ride, and the ride that everyone says that you have to do "The Hangover".
Flash Back some eighteen years ago the Doctor and I packed up his Geo Storm and headed out to Moab. After a few days of riding we were told the must ride was Poison Spider,,
In 96 the bikes were not what they are today with disc brakes and good suspension.
The ride leading up to the portal was typical Moab riding,, up and over slickrock and through sandy washes.
Then comes the Portal the thin ribbon of single track that clung on to the side of hill overlooking the Colorado River.
Needles to say with a new baby at home and not wanting to come back dead I did not try to ride a lot of the tricky sections and portaged my heavy ass Gary Fisher across the deadly sections till we were able to descend back down to wallstreet.
My experience on "The Hangover" was not that much different.
I spun up the Munds Wagon road looking for the sign to tell me turn here,,
with my over excited self basking in the early morning sun I took the first turn for the Hangover,,
First mistake,,,,,,, The trail map said that the trail should be ridden in a counter clockwise fashion.
I kept thinking that it was going to be a lollipop and at any moment I should start going to the right.

By the time I figured out that I was going backwards I was in it and this was the way that I was going to go.
After cresting the first saddle and getting unreal views of the Oak Creek my first hike a bike section started following a white stripe of dotted lines painted on the rocks that went straight up and up..
Bike over the shoulder climbing with nothing to hold onto trying to figure out who and how people were riding this.
I had been told that my 23lb XC bike was going to be the wrong bike for this ride..
It was perfect with all the carrying that I had to do.
Finally to the section of trail that clung on to the side of the Mountain up down over up around through and around again.. Unreal,, my mouth open and smiling all at the same time.
By the time I made it back to the road and Munds Wagon Rd I was fried..
I descended the road back to the car and the family,, beaten and bloodied,, and asking my self
how in the world did an eight mile ride take 90 minutes??
Regardless when and If my ship ever comes in or I just fuck it and give up on this Mid West dream,, I am going to get my self a small house in the Pines,,
and watch the sun go up and down on the Red Red Rocks of the Coconino!!