One more time,,, the last hurrah,, A curtain call..
The last great family outing.
Sophia heads back to school here in two and a half weeks and the summer for all that it is worth has flown by. We have only had one camping trip all the way back in May.
I was able to take an early day at work friday so I could prep food and get the camper ready for what was to be a fun weekend of bikes beer and some camp fire dancing.
We have found a great spot for camping just outside of Black River Falls, in Hatfield Wisco.
On a lake in the pines and just two miles from the trail head of some of the best single track that Wisconsin has to offer.

The trails are almost all single track and cover a wide bit of terrain.
Again I love it there.
The kid and I had a blast hitting all my favorites and a few of them even twice.
Pip and I may fight like a father and daughter but their are few people that I would
rather ride Mountain Bikes with than her.
After riding Pip and her brother headed off to a local water park and Anna and I got
geared up to ride some road style bikes.
Anna on her Madone and me on my Nature Boy.. She was rocking some 28's and my rig the monster 40's.
Gravel was on the route and it was a route that I only knew from looking at Google Maps.
The ride started out Blissfully a nice flowing road along the Black River,, through some high rent neighborhoods.
Rolling along having fun enjoying some us time,, for we don't ride bike together very often.
We made a turn on to Fisher Road,, and got on to the first section of gravel,,
This was nothing more than a hard packed dirt road with some rocks scattered about.
Anna has not spent much time on gravel roads and the first stretch was good as we rolled along.
So well that she could even get her phone out to talk to the kids at the water park.
We needed to make a left and ride for about four miles till we hooked up with a major road, and on the map all looked good..
This is when the wheels started to fall of the bus..
We rode for a good bit and she had to drop down to hill climbing gears and the road went back and forth between gravel and sand.
Following the map we came across some ATV's and then the roads got really bad,, like sandy beach bad.... Like can't ride your road bike bad,, Like test your marriage bad.
After a few testy moments level head prevailed and we turned back the way we came.
I rode the wingman position making sure that she was in one piece.
Complements withstanding she rode back through some tough roads like a Boss.
The bike fished tailed and bogged down in the sand.
Once we got back to Fisher Road the mood changed,, and got even better
when I found some cold Cokes and Beer back at the Camper.
We had a killer dinner and watch some crazy lightning as
we shook our tail feathers around the camp fire.
Pip did not get to join me this morning,,, she had to head home and get cleaned up to go to work at the bike shop.
So I was free to fly and that I did,, the dirt was still tacky and the sand was firm,
the big change was the sun was out and the steam and humidity of the day before was gone.
It was a great session on the trails today,, listing to the Angry Bees of my rear hub buzz along
sand stone was turned to dust.
It was the Last Waltz for the full family and it was good,,
Now it is time to hunker down and get Pip ready for school and the
OS Blackbuck ready for Single Speed USA..
Their is still work to be done but progress is being made.
More to come on that.
Now the sunsets on the weekend and people in this house are ready for sleeping.